Recently I held a Self-Esteem workshop with a group of 6 kids. It was a powerful success, not only for the kids but for me. We opened with a meditation. I had a battery operated candle burning in the center of our circle while playing soft music. We all sat in dim light, lost in our own thoughts. We then opened up our journals and wrote words that we meditated on, words that described who we were or wanted to be. After we wrote I went around the circle asking if anyone would like to share. In this workshop each participant was excited to read the list of words that they came up with. One kid sat quietly, listening. I thought she'd pass but to my surprise she shared with the group one word...BRAVE. That one word brought tears to my eyes. I immediately thought how true, bold, and beautiful that one word IS. In each of our lives, no matter the age, aren't we all striving to be BRAVE.

Cheers to REVIN UP!