Are you comfortable? It's time to get uncomfortable!
Jan 15
1 min read
Life can become very cozy. You are home sitting in your favorite chair with a warm blanket on your lap, a hot cup of tea in your hand. Why would anyone want to move?
Because life grows at the end of your comfort zone!
It's true. It happened to me over a year ago. I was comfortable, yet one day I felt fidgety. I wanted more yet was afraid. I began thinking and praying on my life and what more I could do. Answers came and I decided to volunteer at an animal sanctuary. This place has horses and donkeys, among birds and cats. What did I know about horses? ZERO!
I put on my brave hat and began to "Slay my Dragons!" (Based on a story I use to teach moving out of your comfort zone. Through the program I use Wisdom Coaching for Kids. TM) I changed my thinking. Was it easy? NO! Was I scared? YES!! Was getting out of my comfort zone worth it? YES! YES! YES!
Because of getting uncomfortable I have grown so much. I feel powerful. I feel able to do things that I thought I wasn't able to do before. And I'm helping animals. It's been a wonderful experience.
I'm still growing and it's a beautiful thing.

I highly recommend getting uncomfortable.
Cheers to REVIN UP!